Room to Breathe
Inhale Inspiration
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Resources for Content Creators
Mentor Texts & Inspiration
A video book review (BookTube) all about Canada!
persuasive, speaking, reading, viewing, opinion, review
Examples of reviews of different genres and details on what a good review should contain.
reading, writing, review, opinion
An inspiring video from Navy Seal William McRaven about a small simple thing you can do to change your life.
viewing, inspirational, motivational, speaking
Want to write about music and trends? Here's a great mentor text.
writing, music, rap, opinion, persuasive
Here is a collection of scanned short stories from several anthologies. You can only access these if signed into your account.
reading, short fiction
Poetry: What is it and how to do it. Descriptions, examples, and inspiration.
writing, poetry
A tutorial to show you how to use Adobe Spark to make a video review!
persuasive, speaking, viewing, writing, review, opinion
A poem for hard times.
viewing, poetry, speaking
What is a listicle, why do you use them, and how do you create a good one?
writing about tv, persuasive, representing, music, opinion, rap, review, writing
A celebration of Jay-Z using his lyrics - this is an EXHALE!
music, viewing, speaking, representing