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Mulan's Secret Revealed, Trailer.

Mulan was not meant to be a wife, be graceful or any other things her parents wanted her to be. She was Mulan, a fearful, helpful and clumsy girl. This was finally clear to her after hiding who she thought she was from almost everyone. I made a movie trailer to make this clear to you as well.


Watching ''Disney's Mulan'', annotating text, focusing on character development. This is what I took part in doing for my inhale. With my goal of discovering characters' qualities and finding out how they developed their skills throughout the film. Focusing on the main character, Mulan's improvement through the movie which helped the plot of the movie develop.

Discovering the answers to my questions as I annotated and grow my understanding of the entertaining text. How does Mulan change through the story? What has Mulan learned through her experiences? As I worked on my exhale I discovered the answers behind these questions. To further deepen my understanding of the characters and the theme of ''Disney's Mulan''.

For my exhale I created a Movie trailer based on Mulan's character through the movie. The thing I am most proud of in my exhale is my scene choice. How it engages the audience and makes them want to watch the whole thing. As well as how it further enhance my point of how Mulan expands her skills on finding her true identity. Overall i'm proud of the effort, time and work I invested into this project. Annotating a movie and creating a trailer based on a charter in the story.


The trailer I created about character development

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