Nicholas Piasta
Nicholas Piasta, born and raised in Calgary, Alberta,
is a thirteen year-old eighth grader who is currently attending Griffith Woods School.
Before attending Griffith Woods School, Nicholas attended
a private school called CFIS (Calgary French International School) up until grade five when he transferred to the newly built (at the time) Griffith Woods.
In his short thirteen year life, Nicholas has developed many interests, including sports (like hockey, baseball, and volleyball), reading books, and listening to indie, rock, and pop music.
He always seems to be up for a good challenge when it comes and as a result has picked up
quite a few other hobbies which he truly enjoys doing.
With many hobbies, Nicholas has experienced some successes, like:
Winning a city championship for hockey
Competing in provincials for hockey and baseball
Winning a silver medal in provincials for baseball
Winning Esso Minor Hockey Week (a major annual city tournament)
Being interviewed on TV for hockey
Nicholas and his family enjoy spending time at their condo in Radium, BC, and exploring the outdoors the mountains have to offer. Nicholas also has a dog named Rex, who’s a Bernedoodle (half Bernese Mountain Dog, and half Poodle) who is a very spunky dog (especially for his weight of 55 pounds). Rex likes jumping fences like a cat, barking at squirrels, and has to always steal the attention whenever possible. Nevertheless, Nicholas loves his dog no matter what.